Please welcome Centennial's new registrar, Emily Gramling. She is already doing an amazing job taking care of staff and students at our school!
about 9 hours ago, laurie pierce
Emily Gramling
Have a wonderful holiday!
3 days ago, laurie pierce
Have a great president's day! No school for professional development Feb 17
Because of continued isolated icy roads in parts of our district as well as slick and dangerous parking lots and sidewalks, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Thursday, February 13th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Based on the current forecasts, we plan to be back to in-person school on Friday.
5 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
Thursday Feb 13 remote learning day
Because of the predicted freezing rain creating poor road conditions overnight, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Wednesday, February 12th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Updated to reflect correct date.
6 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
We are so thankful for the substitutes that help when teachers and/ or their families are sick, provide our teacher's the ability to attend doctor appointments, family vacations, and other support. If you are interested in joining the Sub Club please apply at the link below.
14 days ago, laurie pierce
Congratulations to out September sub of the month Kristin B. Apple background
Because of an increasing number of student and staff absences this week, we have made the difficult decision to close school for all Edmond Public Schools for tomorrow, Friday, January 31st. Extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled.   This decision was made in advance to give our families and staff members time to prepare. We will let you know as soon as possible how this instructional time will be made up.   We look forward to seeing your students back in class on Monday morning.
18 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
all schools closed January 31
We will miss Mrs. Staci presence in the office and throughout Centennial! Please leave your well wishes below in the comments.
about 1 month ago, laurie pierce
We wish you well. Staci Dauphine. Centennial's beloved registrar This Friday, January 17 will be her last day at Centennial. Pleas leave your well wishes for her in the comments below.
Staci-pink shirt. grass background
Snow much kindness from our neighbor! Thank you for clearing the sidewalk on Thursday for our walking students. Your thoughtfulness is inspiring!
about 1 month ago, laurie pierce
man clearing sidewallk snow with shovel
Because of continued snowfall and roads freezing overnight, all Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for Friday, January 10th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted.
about 1 month ago, Arin Smith
Friday January 10, 2025 Remote Learning Day
Don't be that person... haha! Lost and Found items will be in front of the school today and tomorrow so please come and look for your student's items! Unclaimed items will be donated over the break. Also, please take a moment to write your child's name in important items they bring to school. It is a great help in returning lost items!
2 months ago, laurie pierce
Ordered new coats for my kids and for convenience I had them shipped directly to their school's lost and found section
Buffalos - If you plan on attending the Centennial Thunder Game on January 19th at 6:00PM, purchase your tickets ASAP!! There is a good chance tickets will be sold out before the purchase deadline on December 19th!
2 months ago, Staci Dauphine
Let’s help our own Centennial families have a wonderful holiday season. Consider donating items to help make their holidays special! Bring gifts to the collection bins in the Centennial foyer Unwrapped & Labeled with Child Number for ID by the morning of December 13, 2024 .
2 months ago, Staci Dauphine
Congratulations to our amazing cafeteria rockstar Liz “Scoochi” Lewis for winning Support Employees of the Year!
2 months ago, Staci Dauphine
Principals and SEOY
Centennial's Night on Ice........ TONIGHT! 6:00-9:00 pm! $13 admission includes skate rental. Edmond Ice Rink at Mitch Park 1502 W Covell Rd
2 months ago, Staci Dauphine
centennial night on ice flyer
Centennial Buffalos are sleighing December!
3 months ago, Staci Dauphine
Staff sleighing december
Join the Centennial team! We are excited to announce an opening for a Classroom Assistant II. If you’re passionate about making a difference in students' lives and supporting their educational journey, we’d love to hear from you!
3 months ago, Staci Dauphine
Let’s help our own Centennial families in need have a wonderful holiday season. Please consider donating one or more items to help make their holidays special! Please deliver gifts to the gift collection bins in the Centennial foyer UNWRAPPED and LABELED with Child Number for Identification by the morning of December 13, 2024 . Thank you for helping us spread joy this holiday season!
3 months ago, Staci Dauphine
A special shout out to our Sub of the month, Jill R. We are so thankful for the substitutes that help when teachers and/ or their families are sick, provide our teacher's the ability to attend doctor appointments, family vacations, and other support. If you are interested in joining the Sub Club please apply at the link below.
3 months ago, Staci Dauphine
Congratulations to our MEE Competition winners! We had 2 fifth grade teams place 1st & 3rd.
3 months ago, Staci Dauphine
Mee competitors
Good Luck to our students who are competing in the MEE competition. The MEE Competition is an experiential learning opportunity that allows students to build and apply knowledge in economics, entrepreneurship, and personal finance. Four member teams of third, fourth, and fifth graders compete in three challenges: Production, Team Assessment and Problem Solving. In addition to addressing the state standards in social studies/economics, the program promotes 21st Century skill building to include skills as creative and critical problem solving and thinking, teamwork and collaboration, and communication skills.
3 months ago, Staci Dauphine
studdent competing at the MEE competition
mee competition